Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Killing a Character: GM Tips

This subject is probably one of the hardest for aspects of a game for a GM to pull off properly as most people aren't fond of the idea of losing a character. Whether it's part of the story or the dice just fell wrong character death happens. If handled with tact this can be an opportunity for a rich storytelling experience. If handled poorly you will alienate your players and they might never play with you again. I offer a few tips to GMs to prevent this from happening.

Provide a warning- If you've planned a game where a character might die give your players a heads up before the game. You don't have to tell them how, just that it might happen. This way they will be more accepting of the death if it does happen. This goes for in-game as well. If you have a player is walking into a dire situation then give them a warning. A simple "Are you sure about that?" is all you need to provide.

Give a chance for success- This seems pretty basic but it bears mentioning. This usually applies more towards story events rather than combat as combat all ready provides them a chance at success. Nothing will piss off your player faster than just killing off their character. If they are in a dangerous situation then you must provide them the means to succeed or at least escape. It doesn't have to be easy but it does have to exist.

Make the death meaningful- It is a waste of a perfectly good story opportunity to mindlessly murder a character. The death of a character provides a profound moment of tragedy and reality for the other characters. Whether the character sacrificed themselves to allow the others to survive or was brutally cut down by an opponent this provides motivation for the other characters to act. Most groups will want to try to bring the offender to justice or will be effected by it in some other way. This provides some great story points for the upcoming games.

Don't make it personal- The worst thing you can do is take a personal issue out on someone's character. This is petty and vindictive but it does happen. Killing a character for personal reasons will halt your game and may devolve into an actual fight. I do not blame the player who punches their GM in the face because of this.

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